04. 彼得.薩索斯基 Peter Sasowsky

天堂+地球+喬.戴維斯 Heaven + Earth + Joe Davis
紀錄片 Documentary


An award-winning documentary about the godfather of BioArt who sends vaginal contractions into deep-space to communicate with aliens; encodes Greek poetry into transgenic organisms and travels the world exploring the inextricable connections between art, science and the physical world. Joe Davis enlists the collaboration of some of the great minds of MIT and Harvard to help us find our place in the universe. The renowned art critic James Elkins has said of him: "to my mind the most interesting living artist...". Enjoy a wild ride from laboratory to bar room and back again in this film that reminds us that anything is possible. Featuring the music of Do.Make.Say.Think.

導演 彼得.薩索斯基 的話 




From the director Peter Sasowsky

I first saw Joe Davis at a bar in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It was the late 1990s and he was twirling around on his peg-leg, giving a young woman the dance of her life. He fell hard on the ground, but got up, smiling. At that moment, I did not know - nor would have believed - what he does in his working life. I was simply drawn to a pureness of spirit that I sensed was present in him.

In the years that followed, I have traveled with him to Portugal, Germany, France, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Greece, Sweden, Canada, as well as all over the United States in order to understand his life and his work. He has created a particular type of artistic freedom for himself that is instructive and, at times, inspirational, but one that comes at a great cost. He has been called the "Father of Bio-art" for his pioneering work with transgenic organisms. He has been featured on Nightline, in Scientific American, and has collaborated with some of the greatest minds in contemporary science. But that is not why I made this film.

What good art does is shape our perception of the world. The artists who offer the greatest leaps of imagination are often the least understood - at least within their lifetimes. It is not for me to say whether or not Joe is one of those pioneers. What I do know is that he offers a unique contribution to the discussion of what it means to be human.



Peter Sasowsky

Peter Sasowsky is the founder and director of Serious Motion Pictures, a script to screen production company that produces documentary and narrative films, corporate communications, and media for foundations and philanthropies. His documentary feature Heaven + Earth + Joe Davis, won top honors at SF Indie Film Festival, and Memphis Independent Film Festival. His latest short narrative film Mojave was awarded best Narrative Short at the Greenpoint Film Festival. In addition to producing, and directing he has served as writer, editor, and motion graphics animator on numerous projects.


1973年於俄勒岡州的天使山學院拿到了創意藝術學位後,喬.戴維斯在貝爾電話實驗室率先採用了雷射雕刻的方法創作。1981年,他進入麻省理工學院的高級視覺研究中心,擔任研究人員和講師的工作。戴維斯專注在天文物理學和外星生命的研究,並於1986年創作了〈微納斯〉,也是第一個遺傳工程藝術作品。他於1986至1987年創作的〈陰道之詩〉,以及2009年創作的〈二磷酸核酮糖羧化酶星〉,都是史上傳送到其他恆星時間最長的無線電信息。1989年,戴維斯加入了亞歷山大‧里奇在麻省理工學院的實驗室,在那裡他被廣泛認為開創了藝術和生物學的新領域。他的計畫中與「DNA編碼語言」相關的作品都經常在科學出版品中被引用。2010年,他加入了喬治‧丘奇在哈佛大學的實驗室,成為「藝術科學家」。2011年,戴維斯與哈佛大學、日本農業生物資源研究所合作,針對蠶進行基因改造,製造與金屬黃金結合、生物礦物化後的蠶絲。2020年戴維斯和巴基斯坦生物學家莎拉‧可汗合作的〈Baitul Ma’mur〉,演示了最新的DNA最高密度儲存資訊的技術。2012年,他在奧地利電子藝術節擔任專題演講的講者,並於2008年獲頒了洛克斐勒獎。

Joe Davis

While earning his Creative Arts degree (1973) from Mt Angel College in Oregon, Joe Davis pioneered sculptural methods in laser carving at Bell Telephone Laboratories. In 1981, he joined MIT Center for Advanced Visual Studies as Research Fellow and Lecturer. Davis’ work has had strong focus in astrobiology and the search for extraterrestrial life. In 1986, Davis created Microvenus, the first genetically engineered work of art. His Poetica Vaginal (1986-7) and Rubisco Stars (2009), were the longest-duration radio messages ever transmitted to other stars. Davis joined Alexander Rich’s laboratory at MIT in 1989 where he is widely regarded to have founded new fields in art and biology. His projects involving “DNA programming languages” have been frequently cited in scientific literature. In 2010, he joined the laboratory of George Church at Harvard as “Artist Scientist.” In 2011, Davis worked with collaborators at Harvard and the Japanese National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences to genetically modify silkworms in order to produce transgenic silks bio-mineralized with metallic gold. With “Baitul Ma’mur” (2020) Davis and Pakistani biologist Sarah Khan demonstrated highest density information-keeping in DNA to date. He was keynote speaker at Ars Electronica, Austria (2012) and the recipient of a Rockefeller Fellowship (2008).