繪圖實踐 高松伸 - 《無題》




Shin Takamatsu 
Japanese, b. 1948

Untitled, 1988
From the series The Killing Moon
Graphite on cartridge paper

由高松伸設計的《殺月亮》(亦稱為《修學院的家II》〔House at Shugakuin II〕)住宅提案,從武士刀的幾何結構汲取靈感,充分展現工匠技藝與工業生產之間的張力,而他的繪圖也體現了材質的處理手法與精準度的敏銳性。為了實現此作的精緻度,高松伸慢慢疊上一層層「墨染」般的石墨線條,每上一層,清晰度就逐漸增加,最後達到極致精練的工業感。這樣的美學也可見於他的建築作品,這些作品往往外型近似於巨型引擎組件,而非傳統的建築樣態。

Inspired by the geometry of samurai swords, Killing Moon (also known as House at Shugakuin II), is a house proposal by Shin Takamatsu that exemplifies the tension between artisanal craftsmanship and industrial production. Takamatsu’s drawing, too, embodies subtle material attentiveness and precision. To achieve the delicacy of this work, he slowly layered a “wash” of graphite lines, adding a new level of definition with each stratum, resulting in a highly polished, industrial appearance. This aesthetic resurfaces in his built works, which often bear more resemblance to gigantic engine components than to conventional buildings.