反思現代性 Zaha Hadid - 《愛爾蘭總理官邸》/《選帝侯大道辦公大樓》




Zaha Hadid 
British, b. Iraq, 1950-2016

Residence for the Irish Prime Minister, Dublin, 1980
Photostat on Mylar sheet mounted to paperboard


這樣的空間概念可以直接對照到哈蒂對「X光透視繪畫」(X-ray drawings)的想法,即藉由透明的疊層,讓所有樓層的平面配置同時一覽無遺。X光透視繪畫是哈蒂在AA倫敦建築聯盟就讀時,花費無數的時間在麥拉薄膜膠片(Mylar)和描圖紙上繪圖而練就出的技法,也為她日後以交織、扭曲和通透的樓地板聞名的建造作品埋下伏筆。

Zaha Hadid’s competition entry for the Irish prime minister’s residence presents an existing walled garden with new spaces for the residence and state functions suspended above it. The drawing is dominated by irregularly shaped floor slabs stacked on top of each other, freely floating above the garden.

This spatial concept is directly linked to Hadid’s idea of “X-ray drawings” made of transparent layers, allowing all floorplans to be visible simultaneously. While Hadid links the X-ray drawings to her time as a student at the AA, where she spent countless hours drawing on Mylar and tracing paper, they also foreshadow her later built work, known for its interwoven, twisted, and often transparent floor plates.



Zaha Hadid 
British, b. Iraq, 1950-2016

Kurfürstendamm Office Building, West Berlin, 1986
Color photo-offset lithograph reproduction of drawing

札哈.哈蒂為此座位在西柏林的辦公大樓所做的提案中,設計了脫開的薄牆板,藉此將有限的矩形占地面積向外擴張。從浮誇的線性透視和彎曲平面的結合中,可以清楚看到在哈蒂的建築作品中等待孵化的動態性,彷彿就要從地平線的弧度上破繭而出。西柏林的《選帝侯大道辦公大樓》最終重新製作成照相膠印平版印刷的版本,提供了全球購藏的機會,而哈蒂真情流露地題上「給阿爾文諾.博亞爾斯基——獻上我對你的愛」(to Alvino with love),更是此作成為世界級收藏品的保證。

Zaha Hadid’s plan for an office building in West Berlin proposes slim wall plates that peel off to expand beyond a tight rectangular footprint. Through a combination of exaggerated linear perspective and twisted planes, this image emphasizes the nascent dynamism of Hadid’s buildings, which seem to emerge from the curvature of the horizon line. Reproduced as a photo-offset lithograph, Kurfürstendamm Office Building is ultimately made for global consumption and collection. The affectionate inscription “with love” from Hadid to “Alvino” Boyarsky is a sure sign of this drawing’s transition into the world of collections.