繪圖實踐 Frank Gehry - 《高德溫好萊塢圖書館》

圖:《聚變:AA倫敦建築聯盟的前銳時代》展場,右圖為Frank Gehry手繪作品



Frank Gehry
American, b. Canada, 1929

Goldwyn-Hollywood Library, 1983
Pen and ink on paper

在這幅為法蘭西絲.霍華德.高德溫好萊塢區域圖書館(Frances Howard Goldwyn Hollywood Regional Library)所繪的手稿中,法蘭克.蓋瑞描繪了基本的結構量體,以此發展出三座大型館舍,供作採光良好的閱覽室。此圖中未能看到此案建成後的矩形玻璃和灰泥外牆的設計,反倒比較著重在建築主觀氛圍的處理上,是一種兼具空間的感知性、流暢度和時間性的直觀感受。

In this sketch for the Frances Howard Goldwyn Hollywood Regional Library, Gehry worked out the basic massing of the structure, which would eventually comprise three large pavilions housing the library’s light-filled reading rooms. Far from the orthogonal glass and stucco design that was eventually created, this sketch speaks more to the subjective ambience of the building: an intuition of the space that is simultaneously sensual, fluid, and temporal.