- 線上開放預約展覽:《聚變:AA倫敦建築聯盟的前銳時代》(建議觀展時間:40-80分鐘)、《場域.啟發─隈研吾展》(建議觀展時間:30-50分鐘),兩展步行路程距離約3分鐘,敬請保留足夠的參觀與移動報到時間,並預約前後時段。
- 預約系統24小時開放,提供未來兩週內之線上預約服務,參觀者最晚需於參觀前一日17:00前預約完成,不提供當日預約、現場預約及電話預約,請特別留意。
- 僅開放個人預約,單次預約參觀人數上限為4人/組,超過請分別預約,不接受5人以上團體預約服務。
- 若同時預約參觀上述兩檔展覽,請勿預約同一時段,若經審核有此狀況,系統將自動取消兩個展覽場次的預約。(例如:小明於同一日上午10點預約《聚變:AA倫敦建築聯盟的前銳時代》與《場域・啟發-隈研吾展》,系統將會判定預約無效,並取消兩個展覽場次的預約。)
- 個人在同一日內不能重複預約,為維護預約觀眾之權益,每位觀眾每檔展覽當日僅能預約一個時段場次,若經審核有預約超過一個時段場次的狀況,系統將僅保留最新預約的場次,自動取消其他場次預約。(例如:小明於同一日上午10點、13點、14點預約《聚變:AA倫敦建築聯盟的前銳時代》兩位,系統確認14點場次為最新的預約,將會判定之前預約場次無效,並取消預約,僅保留14點的預約場次。)
- 預約系統提供之服務包括:線上預約、預約查詢、取消或更改預約等。
- 不分平日及假日,皆須預約才能入館參觀,請務必提前以網路進行預約。
- 請於預約時段開始前10分鐘至美術館報到,若逾時20分鐘未完成報到手續,將取消預約資格。
Weekday ticket-free visits with new online reservation system
Before August 15th, reserve time slots on weekdays for ticket-free visits to Drawing Ambience: Alvin Boyarsky and the Architectural Association. Visit during off-peak hours on weekdays for more comfortable social distancing and visitor experiences.
- About Your Reservations:
- Exhibitions available for online reservations: Drawing Ambience: Alvin Boyarsky and the Architectural Association (estimated visit duration: 40-80 minutes) and Kengo Kuma : Place / Inspiration (estimated visit duration: 30-50 minutes). Two exhibitions are 3 minutes away from each other by foot. Please keep enough time for visits and movements if you’re visiting on the same day.
- Do not reserve both exhibitions at the same time slot. If such circumstance happens, reservations will be cancelled after confirmation.
- The online reservation system is open for time slots in the next two weeks. Same-day, on-site, or phone reservations are not available.
- Reservations are only available for individuals. Each reservation can accommodate up to 4 people. Groups of 5 or more reservations are suspended.
- Only one reservation per person is allowed on the same day.
- Reservations can be made, reviewed, cancelled and rescheduled online.
- The museum is reservation only both on weekdays and weekends. Please reserve online in advance.
- Please arrive at the museum at least 10 minutes before your time slot. Reservations will be canceled 20 minutes after the time slot begins.
- Reservation page: https://tinybot.cc/jutbooking/
- Back to homepage: https://jam.jutfoundation.org.tw/en