遺書/輸入的痕跡 Last Words / TypeTrace
裝置 Installation
尺寸依場地而定 Dimensions variable
#10分鐘遺書 書寫網站 #10MinLastWords Typing Website:https://typetrace.jp/lives/
在工整並置的螢幕上,展示著一篇篇透過網路收集而來的「10分鐘遺書」。展區正中央置有一張桌子,桌上的鍵盤在無人操作的情況下自動打字,所輸入的文字則顯現在桌上的螢幕裡。此作是根據dividual inc.自2006年起研發的「輸入的痕跡」(TypeTrace)軟體發想架構而成。這個軟體藉由鍵盤將文字輸入的整個過程記錄下來並重新生成,包括打字或刪字的時間點。字體大小則會依照字與字被輸入的時間間隔而有所變化,這和在書籍或其他顯示介面上會看到的統一規格的字體極為不同。也就是說,參與此作的書寫者,其心理狀態,包括動量、猶豫這些面向,都會生動地反映在最後生成的文稿上。就好比從文學館裡展示的作家手稿,或是編輯時會加註的校訂記號,都可以讀到文本之外的訊息;同樣地,此作也企圖讓觀者意識到文字背後書寫主體的存在。書寫最後遺言的經驗,讓我們有機會重新梳理對親朋摯友和對過去與未來的種種思緒。
Successively displayed on methodically arranged monitors are “10-minute last words” collected via the Internet, while a keyboard on a table in the center of the exhibition automatically inputs the according text without human involvement. This work is based on the “TypeTrace” software that dividual.inc has been developing since 2006. The software can be used for recording and reproducing entire text input processes via a keyboard, including the timing of typing or erasing letters. The sizes of letters vary depending on the time intervals between the input of single words. Different from the uniformly sized letters one usually encounters in books or on displays, here the writing person's mindset, with aspects of momentum and hesitation, is vividly reflected in the resulting text. Just like authors’ handwritten drafts exhibited at museums for example, or correction marks added in the proofreading process provide information in addition to that of the respective text itself, this work makes the viewer aware of the existence of the writing subjects behind the texts. The experience of writing one’s last words is at once also an opportunity to rearrange one’s thoughts toward loved ones, and about one’s own past and future.
dividual inc./多明尼克.陳、遠藤拓己
新創團體dividual inc.,是由媒體藝術家遠藤拓己與資訊科學研究者多明尼克.陳於2008年4月正式成立,新成員創作者山本興一則是於同年7月加入。他們相信「人與人終究是彼此需要的」,並且秉持此一信念進行創作及研發,包括將人們打字模式視覺化的「輸入的痕跡」(TypeTrace)軟體,開發並營運幾項網路服務(web service),例如相互關懷的線上社群「rigureto」(英文的regret(後悔)以日語口音發音)(2008 - 2017)、私人照片聊天室應用程式「PicSee」(皮克看見)(獲蘋果公司評選為2015年App Store年度最佳應用程式)、匿名社群應用程式「Syncle」(獲蘋果公司評選為2016年App Store年度最佳應用程式)。dividual inc.於2018年1月併入SmartNews股份有限公司後,除了持續營運管理至今曾推出的部分服務,也同步兼顧藝術計畫的創作與執行。
dividual inc. / Dominique Chen, Takumi Endo
The startup, dividual inc. was launched in April 2008 by media artist Takumi Endo and information-science researcher Dominique Chen, later joined by creator Yamamoto Koichi in July of the same year. Based on their mantra, “People will always need people,” dividual has created works such as “TypeTrace”, which visualizes people's typing patterns, and has also released and managed various web services such as the mutual care taking online community “rigureto” (2008 - 2017), the private photo messenger app “PicSee” (the Best of the App Store, 2015) and the anonymous community app “Syncle” (the Best of the App Store, 2016). In January 2018, dividual inc. was acquired by SmartNews Inc.; the innovative company continues to operate and manage some of their pre-existing services, and to work on artistic projects.
技術總監:Shinya Matsuyama (siro)
編輯:Yusuke Ujita (Thinking)
Technical Director:Shinya Matsuyama (siro)
Editor:Yusuke Ujita (Thinking)