06. 顧廣毅 Kuang-Yi Ku

酷兒白蟻計畫 Queer Termite Project
複合媒材 Mixed media
尺寸依場地而定 Dimensions variable

藝術家顧廣毅與研究真社會性昆蟲「白蟻」的科學家合作,共同建立一個虛構的跨物種未來(interspecies future)情境。奠基在白蟻生物學的知識基礎上,藝術家與科學家在該未來敘事中,共同創造虛構的白蟻社會結構,並定義出九種階級作為分類基石,更從中衍伸出約一千種以上的不同階級。在他們設計出的這個演化推測(speculative evolution)中,人類與白蟻有著多種亦敵亦友的複雜關係,並在此科幻故事尾聲,形成了一個可能的互利共生結構。

藝術家希望透過這個跨物種的科幻原型(sci-fi prototype),去探索人與非人生物的新關係,並希冀能夠從非人類中心視角去重新省視白蟻作為「害蟲」的污名化。此外,這個計畫也嘗試思考如何重新詮釋由生殖與性別決定階級的白蟻社會,並研究出非人生物在性別與勞動階級的新想像,試圖推想一個由人與非人生物共同形成的「酷兒生態系」(queer ecosystem)之可能性。

Artist Kuang-Yi Ku collaborates with scientists who study the eusocial insect of termites to jointly establish a fictional scenario of an interspecies future. In this futuristic narrative based on a knowledge of termite biology, the artist and scientists have created a fictional social structure for termites where nine social strata have been identified as cornerstones for further classification. From this, more than 1,000 different classes are further derived. In this speculative evolution they have designed, human beings and termites exist in multiple complex relationships of enmity and friendship. At the conclusion in this tale of science fiction, a possible structure of mutually beneficial symbiosis is formed.

The artist hopes to explore new relationships between humans and non-human organisms through this interspecies sci-fi prototype, and aims to evaluate the stigmatization of termites as “pests” from a non-anthropocentric perspective. Additionally, this project will endeavor to contemplate reinterpretations of a termite society where class structures are determined through reproductive abilities and biological sex. By studying new imaginations of gender and the working class among non-human organisms, this project attempts to infer possibilities for a Queer Ecosystem formed by both humans and non-humans.



Kuang-Yi Ku

Kuang-Yi Ku was born and raised in Taipei, Taiwan, and has been based in the Netherlands since 2016. He is doing his PhD research at Sheffield Hallam University, UK and the research topic is the interdisciplinary practice between art, design and bioscience. Formerly a dentist, Ku is a bio-artist and speculative designer. He co-founded TW BioArt (a Taiwan bioart community) to stimulate the fields of BioArt and Science + Art in Taiwan. His works often deal with the human body, sexuality, interspecies interactions and medical technology, and aim to investigate the relationships among technology, individuals and the environment.


科普文章撰寫 :關貫之



Sci-Fi Author: YKKC
Pop-Sci Author: Kuan-Chih Kuan
Termite Biology Consultants: Professor Hou-Feng Li and Dr. Chun-I Chiu of the National Chung Hsing University (NCHU) Department of Entomology, and the NCHU Laboratory of Urban Etymology
Book Design: Tzu-Yen Chen
Architectural Space and Visual Design: Tzu-Yen Chen
3D Architectural Model Design: Zhao-Wei Liu
3D Termite Model Design: Hong-Xiang Huang
Display Design: Hsing-Wen Lin 
Arts Administration: Chun-Ting Chen
Translator: Alexexandria1UP Studio

This project is commissioned by Jut Art Museum, and sponsored and supported by the National Culture and Arts Foundation.