圖:《聚變:AA倫敦建築聯盟的前銳時代》展場,左圖為Jeremie Frank繪圖作品
傑芮米.法蘭克 《擴音器》,1981年 |
Jeremie Frank The Macrophone, 1981 |
大膽的構圖和細膩的技巧,傑芮米.法蘭克的《擴音器》佐證了AA倫敦建築聯盟的繪圖風氣在全體師生之間所形成的競爭性。她在師從麥克.戴維斯(Mike Davies)期間,創作了這張素描習作。根據她的記述,戴維斯當時要求學生用「現成的建築平面圖去創造出自己的設計,但在表現相同的連接關係之餘,也要垂直發展出不同於該圖面的建築體。」法蘭克把她在音樂和建築領域的雙重興趣合而為一,將一個射出成型機器的剖面立體圖,按比例放大,創作出了《擴音器》——一個用聲音製造能量的巨大結構體。
With its ambitious composition and meticulous technique, Jeremie Frank’s The Macrophone evidences the competitive drawing spirit of the AA, which affected faculty and students alike. Frank made her drawing as an exercise under her tutor Mike Davies, who, according to Frank, asked the students to take “an existing building plan [and] create your own design that expresses the same articulation but is developed vertically in a different way than the building from which the plan was drawn.” Frank scaled up a cutaway illustration of injection molding into a gigantic structure for the production of energy from sound: the Macrophone. The project melded her interests in music and architecture.