Franco Purini, The Waste Land (La terra desolata), 1984. © Franco Purini. From the Collection of the Alvin Boyarsky Archive.
法蘭哥.普瑞尼 《荒原》,1984年 |
Franco Purini The Waste Land (La terra desolata), 1984 |
在此作沉悶陰鬱、諸象叢生的景觀背後,是頗具興味的荒謬感,由此引出林林總總的歷史參照和寓言典故。羅列其中的,是蘇聯構成主義的經典之作——維斯寧兄弟(Vesnin brothers)的列寧格勒真理報大廈(Leningrad Pravda Building,1924年),盤踞在圖面右側上半部,像一座發光的烽火台,而從圖面中心竄出的古典大柱,代表一股歷史的力量,其威力之大,將圖面底部櫛比鱗次的現代和後現代風格的摩天大樓震得東倒西歪。
This drawing evokes a multiplicity of historical references and allegorical allusions, with a quality of playful absurdity behind the brooding, overgrown landscape. Included is an image of the iconic work of Russian Constructivism, the Vesnin brothers’ Leningrad Pravda Building (1924), hovering like an illuminated beacon in the upper right. Underneath is a series of modern and postmodern skyscrapers deeply shaken by the force of history, signified by the rising classical column in the center.