繪圖實踐 Mary Miss - 《貝德福德廣場的無題》概念設計圖

Mary Miss, Study for Untitled, Bedford, Square, London, 1987. © Mary Miss. From the Collection of the Alvin Boyarsky Archive.



Mary Miss
American, b. 1944

Study for Untitled, Bedford Square, London, 1987
Technical pen and ink and graphite on vellum paper


This study for a sculptural installation in Bedford Square was commissioned in 1987 by Alvin Boyarsky on the occasion of an exhibition at the AA of drawings by the artist Mary Miss. Miss’s work recurrently directs how viewers move through and experience the landscape or interior space in which the work is placed. Her Bedford Square sculpture was a response to a closed, gated garden in the center of the square; Miss gave visitors an alternative stopping place to the locked green space. Drawn as an isometric rendering, a standard form of 3D architectural representation, this drawing recalls Miss’s installation works that similarly use methods more common to architecture than art.