David Greene, Logplug and other drawings, 1970. © David Greene. From the Collection of the Alvin Boyarsky Archive.
大衛.葛林 |
David Greene |
英國實驗建築團體「建築電訊」(Archigram)創始成員之一的大衛.葛林,捨棄永久常設的建築形態,轉向絕對的移動性靠攏,以車子、承載式露營車和拖車屋,做為其移動式房間的構想。這件絹印作品將幾項計畫的設計概念回收再利用,包括在圖面左側兩幅的《原木插件和岩石插件》(Logplug and Rokplug),以及擷取部分元素自右側的《L.A.W.U.N.》(Locally Available World Unseen Networks的縮寫,意為「在地現有世界的無形網絡」)。在《原木插件和岩石插件》計畫中,能量供應的輸出口隱藏在人造(但徹底和環境融為一體)的原木和岩石裡,可以在不干擾自然環境的狀態下,配送必要的基本服務。這種游牧式建築的理念,在葛林的《L.A.W.U.N.》計畫系列中,有更進一步的發展;例如《L.A.W.U.N. #1,Bottery》便設計了一片全面步行的地景,而且所有的後勤服務完全由機器人提供,像是此處展示的皮膚機器人(Skinbot)。
David Greene, a founding member of the experimental British architecture group Archigram, abandoned permanent architecture in favor of absolute mobility; he conceived of cars, pickup campers, and trailer homes as mobile rooms. This screenprint recycles drawings from several projects: the Logplug and Rokplug (in the left two panels), and the elements from his L.A.W.U.N. (Locally Available World Unseen Networks) projects (in the right two panels). In his Logplug and Rokplug project, artificial (but completely camouflaged) logs and rocks concealed energy-supply outlets that would distribute essential services without disrupting the natural environment. Greene’s L.A.W.U.N. projects pushed the idea of nomadic architecture even further; L.A.W.U.N. #1, Bottery, for example, proposed an entirely pedestrian landscape fully serviced by robots, such as the Skinbot shown here.